Work in progress...
Detail of work in progress.
There are so many ways to stray from your own personal voice. When I took painting more seriously and started painting and exhibiting in India, I was actually painting for others. I was painting what other people may or may not like. Also when I joined HND in Fine Arts in Stafford Collage and came across most amazing teacher whom I would call real Guru. He gave his 100% to students. He taught us not because he was just an art teacher but because he was passionate about art. I remember him saying to me when I started painting Abstract paintings that "you need to feel it" only then it will happen. First I couldn't understand how could I feel what I am painting. I paint because that's what I like to do. Then I joined Derby University for BFA(HONS) and slowly as I painted more and more abstract Landscape, I could understand what my teacher meant by "Feeling". At the beginning my paintings were either over worked or had no energy. With time and practice I have overcome a lot of those issues and each new painting is a learning curve. When I paint I am completely lost in a different world and I can shut myself up. Then the dialogue is just between me and the work surface. The painting dictates me where I should go and when I should stop. Most importantly I paint what I like to paint, now, I have found my own voice.
Above is the image of my new mixed media painting which I am working on now.